How to Post

How to post an advertisement?

  1. There are two ways your could get to “register” on the right hand side of the webpage. Click on the “Login” or the Wallet Icon to register as users of this website and post advertisement or articles.
  2. You will receive an email and click the link in your email to activate your registration. Please reload the page as it needs to be redirected to the site.
  3.  You then will see your dashboard. There is no posting as you have just registered.
  4. Go to the “Insert Advertisement” link on the right hand side of the website. You will be directed to a page which you can insert your photographs and input the particulars of your property information.
  5. With your username and password, you can always return to edit and delete your postings.
  6. Just click “Logout” when you are done with the postings.

This service is provided for subscribers only. There is a small fee of RM3 per posting, however upon registration, E-Wallet will be activated with RM100. Hence, you may continue using this E-Wallet to pay for the posting. You may request for top-ups when you finish your credits in the E-Wallet. In spite of the generosity of the Site Admin, we can take down fake postings/advertisement to maintain the integrity of this site.

Fake postings/advertisement are those advertisement or writings which are untrue, fake, false and of wrong facts. We also take down postings/articles of defamatory contents, socially sensitive issues, fake agents, bogus brokers, people who are posting to cheat public.

Disclaimer: The postings are screened for their genuine information all way possible. However, Site Admin and Editor cannot guarantee or authenticate all postings to ensure that they are true and carry the information that is current of their claims and facts. Hence, this website disclaims any liability with regards to the postings (both advertisement and articles) and whatever interpretation resulting from them. The decision relying on use of the information is entirely your own. The Website, Site Admin or Editor do NOT and will NOT take responsibility for the risks that you undertake in dealing with advertisement or postings in this site.

*Please verify the agent by checking their agency name and their REN number, PEA number or REA number in the LPPEP website –

Go here to read the risk and danger of dealing with a bogus agent.

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