Research Areas

Our Value System

  1. True state of affairs
  2. Targeted sell and buy
  3. Knowledge investing

Desk research

  1. Study map by Google Maps in general.
  2. Incorporate old picture of Kuching to new pictures and other examples of development over time.
  3. Count the density of housing.
  4. Study UNIMAS and other college student demand for housing.
  5. Count the average value per point for land.
  6. See the topography to predict traffic jam. River will result in bottle neck at bridges.
  7. Study clustering of industries, zoning of the township. Shopping etc.
  8. Study business viability for opening new sites, eateries etc.
  9. Study business viability for opening Nursing Home, Recreational Home, Maternity Home, etc.
  10. Research into competition in estate agency practice. Study others websites.
  11. Study local developers and their products.
  12. Sama Jaya industrial zone blue collar workers, other potential segment of workers.
  13. Use foreign websites to inspire ideas.
  14. Literature search.
  15. Bank loans and statistics. How foreigners can get loan to purchase property.
  16. NAPIC data.
  17. World Bank Data

CRM System

  1. REN database from LPPEH
  2. Data on phone number of illegal broker and scams. To avoid being sabotaged.
  3. Track tenant database to avoid irresponsible bad tenants.
  4. Sharing of customer database on sourcing for renovation among buyers and tenants.
  5. Repeat investors.

Digital Platform – Website Profile

  1. GEOLinking Advertisement as in
  2. Claim Advertisement Referral Marketing Model as in
  3. Feng Shui – niche area to consider but may be double edged sword
  4. VR or AR in digital technology
  5. Downstream contractor biz as in
  6. justLetak! EA Exam Quick Guide as in
  7. Compare Agency Websites – analysis of Front-End Posting
  8. Multiple Language Websites – MM2H

YouTube Marketing

  1. Q&A on investing in Real Estate
  2. Q&A on common layman problems in properties
  3. Q&A on legal matters in property transactions

Developer/Project Sales

  1. Presence of sales force in number.
  2. Committed sales force and ability to stay late.
  3. Even though there are no customers, sales force must be there.
  4. Need to work on Weekend Road Shows!
  5. Competition with other agency firms to get to sell.
  6. Tell what is enough. No need to give consultation. 

Selective Data Marketing

  1. To develop a system of selection for best fit to statistics available in real estate in a locality.
  2. Using HP to shortlist properties for rental by sub-selecting elements or bases. Eg. Rental price range, proximity and expectation criteria.
  3. Study the critical pattern for better promote the property by looking into historical trend.
  4. Selling property to specific segment of uses. Showroom use for art studio or car sales.

Downstream Work-hailing Biz

  • Set up a website or application with calendar
  • Jobs in peak hours are more expensive compared to normal hours
  • Jobs with specialty costs more
  • Jobs with level of cleanliness varies with cost.

Vocational Education

  • Into peripheral sub-urban population which is untapped market – branding and segment marketing.
  • Another source of income from Online Edu.
  • Getting tenant for rental of biz and residential market.
  • Prepare future contractors for downstream Work-hailing Biz.

Business Consultancy

  • Sourcing for tenants and biz investors (big bosses)
  • Mall management (tenancy mix)
  • Economic prospects of various trades – consultancy.

Admin, 10 March, 2019

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