132 How to name your region?

How to Name your Region? This is a relatively loose topic to talk about in findWHERE as it is a preference of the advertiser to name his Region. However, it has much impact because it will affect the eventual presentation of data (advertisement) throughout the platform.

Take for example, you are staying in a Taman XYZ. This Taman is named by a Main Trunk Road Jalan ABC. Then, your house would be listed as YOUR HOUSE, Taman XYZ, Jalan ABC, Town, State and Country.

Usually, Town, State and Country is fixed. These addresses are official most of the time.

The issue comes with the detail location – REGION, where do you want to call the place you stay by just Taman XYZ? Or, you would prefer to call it another name? At times, this local preference could be a colloquial name (casual name).

For example, Bandar Tun Razak, people sometimes call it “Bandar Tun”. This “Bandar Tun” is not “Taman Tun” which is Taman Tun Dr Ismail, another Region in Kuala Lumpur.

Within Bandar Tun Razak, it has major Taman like Taman Jaya, Taman Midah and Taman Mulia within its REGION. So, when you list your advertisement, would you list as:

YOUR ADVERT, Taman Midah, Bandar Tun Razak – here Taman Midah becomes a Sub-Region;


YOUR ADVERT, Bandar Tun Razak – where you take out “Taman Midah”.

Indeed, it is tedious to create too many Sub-Regions.

If you would group all your advertisements inside Bandar Tun Razak as a Region, you do not need to create a Sub-Region. Just put all the advertisements irrespective of whether it is in Taman Jaya, Midah or Mulia into Bandar Tun Razak as a master list.

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