20181126 Insurance vs Estate Agency Revisited

20181126 (Mon)

About a week ago, I was writing about insurance agent vs estate agent. Now, with the background of the posting, we continue with this topic.

KUALA LUMPUR 08Nov: Some 4,000 Prudential agents nationwide turned up at the Prudential Tower in Jalan Sultan Ismail to protest the 30% slash in bonus and commission.

The protest was organised by Prudential Life Insurance Agency Association Malaysia (PRULIA) as a last resort after a year of fruitless meetings.

This incident is sad to say, no less than the taxi-operators vs GRAB incidence. Going hostile, the taxi-operators are demanding the transport minister to step down! The core issue is livelihood! The operators cannot make ends meet – food on the table is at stake!

This will get worse. The various trades that suffer from online technologies – the e-hailing services, the online competition for financial services. Crowdfunding will take over some businesses of banks, what else is new? Therefore, to all of us out there, innovate or you will be replaced!

To be successful in any profession, one has to look into the future. Would your expertise be replaced?  To compete by taking more listings, hanging more banners, promote more in FB, Mudah, iProperty, can you sustain? In fact, many of the seniors are doing better job than me in all these. So, why should I be focusing on this activities when others are doing better than me? Use the same analysis on insurance agent and taxi-operator, you will get your answer.

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