20190202 (Sat)
Should I focus on project sale or sub-sale? In the perspective of an estate agent.
As a young blood in the field, I would say – to focus on sub-sale. Why? Because it is a long term biz. The bread and butter of estate agency is in sub-sale and not project sale. You cannot be an experienced Estate Agent without knowing sub-sale.
Remember, the ultimate reason there is value in estate agency practice is “creating buyers”. The single most important ingredient in creating buyers is attracting inquiries. You will not learn how to attract inquiries without standing out there alone, doing sub-sale. Relying on developer marketing and sales activities will mean that buyers never take you seriously. Buyers for developer sale would only take seriously the developer (its property) and not the salesperson. For, there is no value from one salesperson to another as long as the developer is there (property is what they see).
However, many would disagree with me over this. My point simply is comparing the amount of value-TO BE-added, sub-sale is more crucial than developer/project sale. You need to be more concerned about your agent when you are negotiating a sub-sale versus a project sale. Project sale is like control item – sugar from a supermarket. You really don’t need much knowledge to differentiate one from the other; developer had it all done up in brochures.