20190312 (Tue) How property is passed on after death. Part 1.

20190312 (Tue)

If a person dies, and property is passed on to someone after death. What happens? Part 1.

Now, you might take this a “Love & Affection” or “Gift”!

Oh, Stop! It is not so straight forward that it is a Gift by Love and Affection!

Are we assuming there must be gift passed down to the descendants? Is there a will or there is no will to prove that? Now, these are issues under Distribution Act,1958 and for Muslim, it is to follow Syariah. So, this is not the same case as when a person is alive and transfer his property to another person. This is under a different law. Hence, it might be confusing.

Below is a write up for Managing Properties of the Deceased published in Property Insight 2016.

In short, when a person has passed on, the procedure of transfer of deceased property after death is not the same as when he is alive. For this we continue tomorrow.

Managing Properties Of The Deceased

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