20180915 (Sat)
I want to represent my developer friend to help sell his projects, can I get my NCC (Negotiator Certification Course) and then become his REN (Real Estate Negotiator)? Part 1.
The advent of the term “Negotiator” came from the concept of “Sub-agent” as in S.143 and S.144 of Contracts Act, 1950.
S.143 When agent cannot delegate.
An agent cannot lawfully employ another to perform acts which he has expressly or impliedly undertaken to perform personally, unless by the ordinary custom of trade a sub-agent may, or, from the nature of the agency, a sub-agent must, be employed.
S.144 “Sub-agent”
A “sub-agent” is a person employed by, and acting under the control of, the original agent in the business of the agency.
In the recently amended Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers Act, 1981, a new subsection has been inserted to give recognition to the role of Negotiator.
S.22C (2) (d) a negotiator may assist the Registered Estate Agent in the Real Estate Agency Practice.
S.22C (2A) For the purpose of (2)(d) “negotiator” means a person who is employed by a REA to assist him in the estate agency practice.
Tomorrow we will answer this question.