20190204 Rich v Poor, Part 1

20190204 (Mon)

Rich vs Poor, what have you to say? Part 1.

Unknown caller: Helo! I want to ask…if your SoHo apartment still available? She is speaking good English!

I said: I’m sorry, it has been sold. Just few weeks ago, the owner sold that unit of SoHo.

Unknown caller: Aiyo, sold? You have anymore similar unit for rent?

I said: That was the only unit. I’m sorry, I have no similar unit at the moment. How much is your budget?

Unknown caller: If you could find RM400+ for me? Around RM500 also can. Do you have?

I said: Nowadays, a small apartment even empty also RM800. If old house far away may be RM500. Shoplot apartment might still get RM400, but old and empty! Also no safety for car parking.

Unknown caller: It is okie. I know… thank you so much… anyway… thanks a lot. She was glad that I shared with her despite all the negative answers.

See, this is how poor/ordinary people react to circumstances. They might complain but they keep it to themselves.

Next, I let you see another version of conversation.

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