20190225 What is “Tenancy Administration”?

20190225 (Mon)

What is “Tenancy Administration”?

The amended VAEP Act, 1981 (Amended 2017) gave the definition of “Tenancy Administration” as:

S.22B (e) in respect of any tenancy administration including rental collection, payment of outgoings, arrangement for minor repairs and handing over and taking over the possession of a property of any land and buildings and of any interest therein.

The newly drafted Standard 10 of the MEAS2019 (to be published) includes:

10.1.1 The  role of  the estate  agent includes  tenancy administration  which involves the effective management of landlord tenant relationship and the associated management functions  to ensure that a property is able to provide tenants with a level of customer orientated services and satisfaction enabling landlords to attract and retain tenants.

Go here to read the actual Standard 10 MEAS 2018.

Hence, it involves below functions:

10.1.2 The estate agent’s role in tenancy administration  may involve aspects of tenant liaison, handing and taking over of premises,  billings, collection and disbursement of rents, coordination between contractors  undertaking works in the premises, payment of utilities, property taxes and  services charges, and monitoring reinstatement of premises upon termination or expiry of the tenancy or lease.

Final MEAS Review available for download at:

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