20190109 Cold-calling agent

20190109 (Wed)

To stand firm, and say no to Cold-Calling agent!

When you get called after you have advertised your property in Mudah.my for eg, it is usually from a cold-call agent. They are phishing for listings. It is hard to get listing when there are too many “brokers” or agents out there. Some agencies are promising the new negotiators “property king of the year” when they join. There is a 25 new listing a week target! So, that is why you get cold-calling for your property.

They will pester you. Some might even call and say they have ready tenants/buyers. If you list with them, the pool of ready tenants/buyers will take up your property in split seconds. And, they will give you convincing reasons. Like another month vacant means another month of income lost! So scare and care tactic will make you their target listings.

Stand firm and say no is hard. There are properties which are not easy to rent or sell. Some properties will need further furnishing. Some are outright tough nut to crack. Hence, a little more patience is your ingredient to success.

Tell the phishing agents you are not interested to list. You prefer to do on your own. That is perfectly fine. As owners, you have every right to do it your way. Putting private seller advertisement in Mudah.my is free of charge!

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