20190322 (Fri) Differences between MEAS 2014 & MEAS 2018, Standard 6.

20190322 (Fri)

Differences between MEAS 2014 & MEAS 2018, Standard 6.

Go here to read the actual Standard 6 MEAS 2018.

Standard 6 is about Advertising and Marketing.

This Standard has two major changes:

1. The issue of “person responding to this flyer are not required to pay any estate agency fee… as this firm is already retained by a particular principal” had been deleted.

2. With regards to Foreign properties, there were significant changes.

The first change is to remove the requirement of expressing the statement “person responding…”. This is probably a decision that it is nonetheless inevitable because it is difficult to enforce this standard in market place.

The second change is about marketing foreign properties:

1. That 2% of the sale price is the new fee rather than just 1% in OLD Standard.

2. That permit be given at minimum of 6 months for a particular area (city).

3. Added that the firm is required to actively participate with its local sales assistants at the specific locations during the promotional period.

All forms of advertisement should adhere to 6.2.2 with the exception of newspapers advertisement, the mere minimum are:

1. Firm Registration Number & Office Telephone Number.

2. Person’s Name, Registration Number of REN/Registered Person


I personally think that Office Number is not that applicable in today’s digital world. Rather, isn’t it better with ‘http://search.lppeh.gov.my’ where people can perform search to verify the agent or firm?

There is Standard 8 mentioning about signboard. This signboard or banner should be categorized in Standard 6 Advertising/Marketing instead of being included under Standard 8 Viewing/Inspection.

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