20190424 (Wed) As a Sarawakian, can I acquire any type of land?

20190424 (Wed)

As a Sarawakian, can I acquire any type of land?

In Sarawak Land Code, only a Native Sarawakian can have rights to own most types of land. A non-native Sarawakian (like Chinese or Indian) cannot own native land. A foreigner (West Msian, Sabahan and non-Malaysian Citizen) can only own certain types of land (Strata and Residential with condition). Below you can see the summary.

(1) Native of Sarawak (according to Interpretation Ordinance 2005, Schedule (Section 3) can own many classes of land*:

Native Area Land, Native Customary Land, Interior Area Land, Mixed Zone Land.

(2) Chinese and Indian Sarawakian who are Non-Native of Sarawak can own just Mixed Zone Land (Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural)

(3) Foreigners (Including West Msian, Sabahan dan Non-Malaysian Citizen) can own Strata and Residential Land above RM300,000** by S.13E (2) of the SLC.

* Can own many classes of land means subject to approval and issuance of document of title, failing which S.209 applies as it becomes unlawful occupation of State Land.

**The minimum threshold for foreigners to acquire residential property under S-MM2H is RM600,000 in Kuching city area, and RM500,000 in other townships. See further posts on this below:


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